
Medicare Open Enrollment Period Is Here

Medicare Open Enrollment Period (01/01-03/31) is here

We offer specialized care for individuals 65 and older. Discover Medicare advantage plans that connect you to our experienced doctors.

Fill out a form or attend an event to have a licensed agent contact you

Understanding each part of Medicare

There is no monthly premium if you or your spouse pays Medicare taxes while working. Monthly premiums for Part A only applies to those who did not meet the 40-quarter requirement.

  • Inpatient hospital care
  • Home Health care
  • Skilled nursing facility
  • Surgery
  • Lab tests
  • Hospice

There is no extra cost usually when you enroll in this plan with a healthcare company. You'll enjoy benefits from both Part A and B, a drug plan, and some extra benefits depending on the plan.

  • Everything from Hospital and Doctor's Visits parts of Medicare
  • Extra benefits like dental and vision

There is a monthly premium depending on your income level, and it will be deducted directly from the beneficiary's social security check.

  • Doctor's visits
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Preventative services
  • Outpatient care

There is a monthly premium depending on your plan. Penalty may apply if the beneficiary doesn't enroll a drug plan when applying for Medicare.

  • Prescription Drug

Medicare Enrollment Process

Step 1

  • Enroll in Part A (Hospital) and Part B (Doctor’s Visits) of Medicare. Visit for more information.
  • Part A and B only cover 80% of the medical cost. After joining Part A and Part B, one still needs to purchase Part C and Part D through a licensed agent.

Step 2

  • Enroll in Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Prescription Drug Plan (Part D) plus Medicare Supplement.
  • There are two types in Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C):
    • PPO: Medical cost will be taken care of by the insurance company and original Medicare.
    • HMO: The insurance company and independent practice association or medical group (e.g. Allied Pacific IPA) have shared responsibility for your medical cost.

Allied Pacific and Medicare Advantage (HMO)

When you choose a Medicare Advantage (HMO) plan, Allied Pacific IPA is your best option in providing quality healthcare to you. We are here for you, every step of the way.

  • Accessibility  – We have an extensive network of healthcare professionals providing comprehensive care.
  • Diversity  – We are a culturally aligned care team, committed to embracing diverse cultures with compassion and understanding.
  • Excellence – We strive for the highest quality in patient care.
  • Collaboration – We work as a team with our physicians, localized clinics, and ancillary providers, bringing a full spectrum of care to our patients.
  • Innovation – We embrace new ideas and technologies to enhance patient care and outcomes.

Medicare FAQ

Who is eligible for Medicare?

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for:

  • People who are 65 or older
  • Certain younger people with disabilities
  • People with End-Stage Renal Disease

When can I enroll in Medicare?

You can enroll during Initial Enrollment Period or Annual Enrollment Period:

  • Initial Enrollment Period: starts 3 months before your 65th birthday and ends 3 months after (7 months in total).
  • Annual Enrollment Period: Oct 15-Dec 7 every year. You can add, change, or cancel your plan during this period each year.

What is the next step after I enroll in Medicare(Part A and B)?

Fill out a form and we will assign you a licensed insurance agent to talk about your best options.